Saturday, June 14, 2008


Because I just had a round of hide-n-seek with my cat! I'm on a second wind. By far, one of the coolest personality traits of my cat is the hide-n-seek tendency. Here is a typical game: I walk into the hallway where cat is sitting. Her eyes are quite round and maniacal. She darts with some furor under the couch, or, these days, behind a box, and crouches, wild with anticipation. At this point, you can feel the tension in the air and I am glad that I am not a small rodent. I stand there and feign hesitation at going out into the open meadow of the living room, like Bambi's mom. Cat charges and ends the charge with a pounce that sends me reeling the other way with a giggly scream. I scramble to the side out of the hallway, into the kitchen and out of my predator's sight. I slowly reappear around the doorway, reengaging said predator. The game ensues until cat wants it to end. It is great fun. My cat is pretty genius for a cat, even if I do base her genius solely on her instincts and not on any real scholarly aptitude. It's awfully cute.

1 comment:

individually wrapped slices said...

cats are the devil, bobby boucher